By using Nippon Gases’ proprietary oxy-combustion technology, applicable to site port and end port furnace configurations, it could be possible to reduce your specific energy consumption by up to 50%*
*Pending on your most recent base case
Dilujet burners use Diluted Oxygen Combustion (DOC) technology, which promotes an ultrahigh recirculation ratio making it possible for an ultra-low flame Tª.
This ultra-low flame Tª, together with the typical low N2 partial pressure at the oxy-fuel furnaces, results in ultra-low NOx emissions from your flue gases.
By using Nippon Gases’ forehearth’s proprietary oxy-combustion technology, it will be possible to reduce your forehearth’s energy consumption by up to 50%, simultaneously reducing the amount of necessary burners to maintain the required temperature profile you are looking for.