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From Biogas to Biomethane

Understanding Biomethane and its Benefits

Biomethane is a combustible gas produced from biogas, through a process called "biogas upgrading". This process removes impurities from the biogas, allowing it to be reused as a form of renewable energy - also providing economic advantages, such as lowering energy costs and improving financial performance.

Our Innovative Biomethane Solutions

From waste to energy, we are present at every step of the biomethane value chain.

Using a circular economy model, we can process your waste products (such as food, agriculture, and sewage sludge) into biogas, which is then upgraded and other gases like CO2 are extracted, resulting in the production of biomethane - a renewable fuel.

The obtained biomethane can be adapted according to the specific needs of its utilisation, using various biomethane valuation techniques such as liquefaction.

We can also use our CO₂ recovery technology to reuse the discarded CO₂ from the upgrading process, to be upcycled or sold for other applications.
Advantage 01

Renewable energy generation.
It's a clean and 100% renewable gas

Advantage 02

Decarbonisation, reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Advantage 03

Economic assessment of waste. It is produced from biogas, transforming waste into resources

Our experts provide solutions for biogas upgrading and liquefaction



Vacuum Pressure Swing Adsorption
Using differential adsorption, this separation method efficiently separates methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO₂) on an adsorbent material, offering low energy consumption. It also partially separates nitrogen (N₂) and minimises methane losses while handling biogas with high O₂ and N₂ concentrations.


Based on the differential diffusion behavior of chemicals through a specific membrane, this method offers simplicity, low energy consumption, and suitability for both small and large-scale productions. It ensures minimal methane losses.

Chemical absortion

Chemical absortion
Based on differential solubility in a washing liquid, this method separates biogas components. Those more soluble in amine or alkaline salt solutions (e.g., KOH) are absorbed and removed from the gas stream. Chemical absorption with amines is suitable for high flow rates, ensuring minimal methane losses.


Pressurized Water Scrubbing (PWS)
Based on differential solubility in water at low pressures and temperatures, this method separates compounds from the biogas. The most soluble components in the wash water are removed from the gas stream. The process regenerates the water by extracting air, which ensures low maintenance costs.

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The produced biomethane is adapted according to the valorisation needs.

Thanks to our expertise in gas separation, our solutions for liquefying biomethane to bioLNG provide you with low carbon fuels with easy transport and storage.

In order to do so, there are different types of liquefaction: LIN and mechanical liquefaction.

Biomethane can also be compressed and used as a low carbon vehicle fuel (CNG) or be injected into the natural gas grid, providing renewable energy.

Contact us for more info on our solutions

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Future Prospects of Biomethane
Biomethane technology is rapidly advancing, making it a promising solution for the industrial gases market. It is a key player in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting a carbon neutral world.

The growing demand for clean energy alternatives and increasing environmental regulations drive the market for biomethane. Utilising our proprietary technology, and advancements in anaerobic digestion and gas upgrading techniques, biomethane can be produced from various organic waste materials.

As a group, we drive future developments in sustainable energy. Partner with us to contribute to a greener future and enjoy the economic advantages of renewable energy.

Contact us below to discover more about our biomethane solutions!

Applicable technologies

Value proposition

Tailor-made solutions
The most appropiate technology
Know-how in gas separation technologies
Various models of collaboration
Biomethane recovery
Comprehensive advice on industrial gases